We are thrilled to share a significant achievement in our journey towards responsible and sustainable salmon production. Our state-of-the-art land-based facility has proudly earned the…
Salmon Evolution is experiencing strong biological performance at Indre Harøy with good growth and normal mortality levels across all fish groups. As per 30 September…
Highlights in the quarter: Biomass production is back on track – strong biological performance since mid-May with good appetite and normal mortality levels. Q3 on…
Since the Q1 2023 reporting in May, Salmon Evolution has been experiencing strong biological performance at Indre Harøy with good appetite and normal mortality levels…
INFORMASJONSMØTE TIL ALLE VÅRE NABOER OG INTERESSENTER INVITASJON TIL ÅPENT ALLMØTE Salmon Evolution ASA bestreber seg på å produsere miljømessig bærekraftig og sosialt ansvarlig, og…
Highlights in the quarter Continued production ramp up at Indre Harøy. Batch 5 stocked in February and all-time high biomass production in March. Focus on…